Climate Planning in the Highlands w Charlsey White and Greg Douglas

Climate Planning in the Highlands w Charlsey White and Greg Douglas

Show notes

<p>With senior levels of government repeatedly failing to meet their own voluntary targets under international climate change agreements, the call has gone out for political and economic leaders at the municipal and community level to step into the breach.In Haliburton County, the Four Townships have each opted into a County-wide Climate Change Planning process that’s gathering steam with the recent hiring of a climate change co-ordinator to guide the County and Townships through the planning process.</p><p><br></p><p>The County’s climate change planning framework and timeline was developed by Charlsey White, the Director of Planning/Deputy CAO for the County of Haliburton and Greg Douglas, the County’s Director of Public Works.</p><p><br></p><p>Both Charlsey White and Craig Douglas join us in the next episode of Planet Haliburton to discuss the planning process that will produce both greenhouse gas emission reduction and climate change adaptation plans for the County and all four Townships.</p><p>Show Notes:;/p&gt;

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